The major feature of the given application is a simplicity. He is easy for establishing, without possessing any
specific knowledge. Such simplicity HD Harbour Wallpapers App - an essence of this application .
Still feature of screensaver , possibility to type action which are already programmed is. You do not need to
deliberate long at installation! The screensaver is easy for establishing from certain section of the MENU.
Full weight of the application becomes at once clear, as soon as you will open section of options in the menu.
Look at this section, at least, that the screensaver Live Wallpaper will familiarise with available possibilities
HD, and make sure, as it is easy to adjust screensaver work. Full value of the given application is a result of
set of compromises, they were found by founders when thought out screensaver HD Live Wall-paper when
wanted to make work of the application very simple.
Our experts in sphere 3D effects continuously improve Live Wallpaper, do by its more simple in application
and on functionality, arrange under even большее quantity of types of Android, and models of phones.
Results of testing HD of screensaver Live Wallpaper are spent on such devices:
- Samsung Galaxy S4 the five-inch screen of 441 piks/inch;
- Nexus 7 high definition of the seven-inch screen;
- HTC One the classical screen for devices on Android of 4,7 inches;
- Sony Xperia Z the five-inch screen.
Testing of these devices and speed of work of application HD screensaver wall-paper has passed Live Wall-
paper successfully. The expenditure of a charge of the battery above comprehensible level is absent.
Want to enjoy bright dynamical live wallpaper - download our new HD Harbour Wallpapers App and take
Steady work and easy installation almost on all versions of Android.
Features HD Harbour Wallpapers App:
- A bright live picture on the screen;
- 3D screens with effect of movement;
- At our live wallpaper - the small size;
- An expenditure of the battery of phone minimum;
- To be transferred on SD a card.